jeudi 31 janvier 2008

3 C

Bullying an epidemic. CO type A2 - entraînement
Pour jeudi 7 février: SUR FEUILLE (ou blog) Production écrite type brevet blanc - graffiti

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

" What you make?
- That does not see itself?
- If, too even. Why do you make it?
- That looks at you?
- Exactly, yes. You know that there are places foreseen specially for tagger?
- Because you believe that people are specially going to go over there to see us expressing ourselves? You dream or what?
- Because you call that to express himself? To degrade the public buildings, it is to express itself?
- I do not degrade them! I find rather that that embellish them. The tag, at least, that it is the art!
- No, the tag, for me, it's just vandalism, contrary to the graffiti.
- What is the difference?
- The graffiti represents something often beautiful; the tag, it is only scrawls!
- Say what you want, but I, I like tagger, and it is not you which is going to prevent me from it! "

M. Colas a dit…

* présent en Be+Ving dans la 1ere question
* pas de traductions mot à mot
* to foresee = prévoir, faire des prévisions.
* quel est l'emploi du pres simple "you dream"?
* "taguer" = to tag
* which employé pour des chose
NOTE : 12/20